Wordcraft of Oregon is no longer accepting international orders due to exorbitant postal rates. Shipping rates for U.S. only. All international orders will be refused.

ANGEL BODY AND OTHER MAGIC FOR THE SOUL, edited by Chris Reed & David Memmott, ISBN: 1-877655-39-2 (US) & ISBN: 0-872588-05-0 (England), $16.95 (US), £9.95 (England), October 2002
Finalist for British Fantasy Award for Best Anthology of 2003
"For the past twenty years the American small press Wordcraft of Oregon has built up a stable of authors that reads like a speculative fiction who’s who. Many have gone on to be widely published, or be acclaimed as winners or nominees of major literary prizes including the Pushcart, Rhysling, Readercon, Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke and Stoker awards.
Now twenty-five writers, artists and poets from the Wordcraft stable have come together in a major new anthology in celebration of this US publisher’s achievements. From Chicano bioterrorists to restless vampires, supermodel wannabes to singing angels, each piece in this collection takes the reader into uncharted territory as only the best speculative fiction can."
Contributors: Lee Ballentine, Conger Beasley Jr, Mark Bilokur, Bruce Boston, Andrew Darlington, Denise Dumars, Scott Edelman, Brian Evenson, Ernest Hogan, Thomas E. Kennedy, Sandra Lindow, Misha Nogha, John Noto, Andi Olsen, Lance Olsen, Dan Raphael, Mark Rich, Lorraine Schein, Richard A. Schindler, Steve Sneyd, W. Gregory Stewart, Don Webb, Tom Whalen, Nathan Whiting, and Thomas Wiloch
“Chris Reed and David Memmott ... have rewritten the rules that define small press...”— The Alien On-Line
“Angel Body is further proof that Wordcraft of Oregon is one of the more underrated presses not only of science fiction, but of literature in general.” — Alan DeNiro, Rain Taxi Online
“...the best anthology of 2002: a feast of experimentation, a
celebration of diversity and a triumph of innovation.” — Jetse de Vries, The Fix

REALISM & OTHER ILLUSIONS: Essays on the Craft of Fiction, Thomas E. Kennedy, ISBN: 1-877655-38-4, 214 pgs., $12, $3.50 sh (US ONLY), February 2002
If adopted for use in creative writing course, publisher will give an additional 20%, $4.80, plus shipping. Send email to: info@wordcraftoforegon.com to make arrangements.
One of ePublisher’s Weekly’s best fifteen non-fiction books of the 2002.
“Kennedy is a great teacher; he gives examples, he speaks directly, and he addresses the issues that matter most.” — Michael Pastore, Editorial Director of ePublisher’s Weekly
“Here’s a book any writer or aspiring one can profit from...Kennedy covers the craft of fiction from theoretical to practical with an authority derived from his own considerable achievements as a fiction writer...” — Gordon Weaver, author of Long Odds, Four Decades
“Realism & Other Illusions is a wise and eloquent book about the writer’s calling by master story-teller, Thomas E. Kennedy — it also generously instructs new writers in the art of reading and writing fiction. — Pamela Painter, co-author of What If? Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers and author of story collections, The Long & the Short of It and Getting to Know the Weather
“This is one of the most entertaining and thought-provoking books I’ve read in a very long time. It is certainly one of the best I’ve read on the subject of creative writing, and it should, without question, be on the bookshelf of anyone who considers themselves to be serious about the craft of writing fiction.” — Zoë King, Words Literary Journal
“Realism & Other Illusions might be all the education a writer needs.” —The Cape Cod Voice

SMOKING MIRROR BLUES, novel, Ernest Hogan, ISBN: 1-877655-37-6, 212 pgs., $12 ($9)/3.50 sh (US ONLY) Autumn 2001.
Tezcatlipoca, the Mirror that Smokes, warrior/wizard god of the Aztecs. Western Civilization thought it wiped him out centuries ago.
With the help of silly-bio nanochips, Beto Orozco creates an
artificial-intelligence version of Tezcatlipoca. The result is a computerized resurrection...
So Tezcatlipoca hijacks Beto’s body, and runs wild through futuristic Hollywood. The trickster adapts well to the brave, new world, and gets back to his old business of creating chaos and taking control...
“hyperactive, racy, imaginative...” — Publisher’s Weekly
“One of 2001's best sf novels.” — Claude Lalumière, sfsite.com
“Anyone who bemoans the lack of serious speculation in today’s science fiction will appreciate Hogan’s true insights...” — Allie S. McKnight, darkmoonrising.com
“Fast-paced, dense with detail, intelligently written, and imbued with a weirdness that’s quite fun to read, this novel is so good that this author bears watching.” — Cat Eldridge, greenmanreview.com
“...William Burroughs on steroids, only writing linearly.” — Factsheet Five
“...the most original voice to hit science fiction since Harlan
Ellison.” — Ben Bova
“Ernest Hogan has created a kind of North American magic realism...” — Norman Spinrad

FREAKNEST, novel, Lance Olsen,
1-877655-35-X, 258 pgs., $12 ($9)/3.50 sh (US ONLY).
Feral children. Illicit nano-drugs. False memories. Televisual
consciousness. A Dickensian 2023 London in extremis. Just another day in Lance Olsen’s imagination.
“A treat for anyone interestedin the place of the human will in a
society that seeks at every turn to remove and commodify our memories and selves, turning us all into isolated units locked inside a building, dreaming dreams that were, and never will be, truly ours.” — American Book Review
“For all its surface weirdness, Freaknest is a naif’s tale, in the
tradition of an innocent, orphaned Oliver Twist asking for a little more food/love/humanity while being brutalized by a world beyond his comprehension. Olsen is one of those rare birds who is both a lit professor and an honest-to-god writer.” — Richard Kadrey, Wired
“In this disorienting maglev ride of a novel – imagine a
multidimensional rail and an ever melting and self-reconfiguring train – a day-after-tomorrow world of great strangeness and cruelty comes striningly to life. Rykki is a character who will break your heart, even as you discover analogs for her in our present-day realities. In any case, take the ride and jolt your personal sensorium.” — Michael Bishop, Nebula Award

short fiction, Brian Evenson, 2000
ISBN: 1-877655-34-1, 152 pgs., $11/3.50 sh
Limited supply
In moving our inventory of books to another warehouse recently, we found another box of Contagion, so we are again taking orders for a limited supply.
Stories — several with settings in the American West. Includes 1998 O. Henry Prize story, "Two Brothers" and O. Henry Prize runner-up, "The Polygamy of Language".
“Contagion remains one of the most strange and powerful books of the new millennium.”— Bob Ehrenreich, The Believer #2, May 2003
“The stories in Contagion are not comforting. They are, instead, challenging and intense. Evenson’s vision is compelling; his prose, forceful. His characters are seekers who look with open eyes into the dark.” — Andrew Geyer, Iron Horse Literary Review
“...fans of transgressive fiction will find Contagion
thought-provoking, rich with metaphor and carefully crafted.” Ritah Parrish, The Oregonian
“With [Contagion] Brian Evenson further stakes out his own disturbing, sometimes hilarious, and always bizarre narrative terrain.” — Peter Donahue, Review of Contemporary Fiction
“Contagion is a vicious and virtuous book that swoons in a panicked epiphany.” Melissa Maerz, Rain Taxi

SPLITTING, novel, Brian Clark
ISBN: 1-877655-30-9, 174 pgs., $9/3.50 sh, US ONLY
"A psychedelic odyssey of love and spiritual discovery." — Publishers Weekly
"Four hundred billion stars for Brian Charles Clark's world-heavyweight champion novel... In this hallucinatory yet grounded tale, our narrator employs a richly allusive style, half Joyce, half William Borroughs." — Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, review by Paul Di Filippo
"Brian Clark's romp through a world of static television screens and desert landscapes sends science crashing headlong into fiction with its highbeams on. The resulting wreckage, Splitting, is a jagged collage of delicate poetry, hip-flasked theory and high-energy prose broadcast directly from the cerebral cortex of a bisexual potassium terrorist stuggling to resist the systematic telepathic colonization of earth by hyperlingual aliens. Using a host of agents, neurotic doctors, and psychotic
drugs, the aliens are replacing our fractured, amnesiac reality with a cohesive, linear history that corrodes the human capacity to think." — Review of Contemporary Fiction, review by Trevor Dodge
"Brian Clark's first novel is a fever dream: a voluptuous explosion of melody and rhythm. A gender-bending ride in search of spiritual identity, Splitting revels in the regenerative power of art and language." — Nikki Dillion, author of Scratch
Read this new review by Kathryn Allan of Red Spider White Web on Tor.com website here.

RED SPIDER WHITE WEB, sf novel, Misha
1-877655-29-5, 236 pgs, $12 ($9) 3.50 sh , US ONLY
October 1999
U. S. Only
“Misha Nogha’s Red Spider White Web is arguably the definitive feminist cyberpunk text, a searing work that crashes upon the reader like a catastrophe.” – Alan DeNiro, Rain Taxi Online Edition, Fall 2003
"Misha's Red Spider White Web is, quite simply, everything cyberpunk should have been but wasn't, everything contemporary techno-dystopias should be but aren't. Instead of middle-class white men struggling with their love-hate relationships with dangerous but beautiful cybertoys,
Misha offers society's most disenfranchised victims struggling for survival against the technotopic juggernaut. Instead of cyberpunk's typical anti-heroic misogynist-nerd, she gives us a feral female artist struggling to create something meaningful and lasting in a world established to destroy and dispose of her. The book is bleak, intense, and more accurate in its critique of contemporary U.S. culture's cruelty and ignorance
than any book I have ever read." - Dr. Elyce Helford, Editor/Author, Enterprise Zones
"Misha's importance and distinctiveness are beginning to be noticed, there's beginning to be some kind of rip-tide here that will soon become a wave of recognition for a book that the world is beginning to catch up to... We weren't ready before. We'd better be ready now. Because it's the 21st century, any minute now, and that means that Misha's time has come. In more ways than one." — John Shirley
"We belong to an age where apocalypse is our daily bread, coffee's black, and we know we're part of the abyss. Red Spider White Web is right on target in conveying that understanding. It splinters in the mind... the underworld of the century's imaginings." — Brian Aldiss
"Red Spider White Web is startlingly visual... Its pages reveal a
series of starkley painted images that go to work on your mind like the pictures on a tarot deck." — James Blaylock

SHADOW BONES, stories, David Memmott, 1-877655-28-7, 116 pgs., $10 ($7 plus $3.50 shipping--US only), August 1999
“All these stories manage to bring us back to ourselves...as if [they] were magic mirrors by which we can see ourselves more clearly.” Paige Haggard, Ministry of Whimsy website
“David Memmott turns out short, meticulously assembled stories informed by a poet’s precision and clarity of image.” Paul DiFillipo, Isaac Asimov’s SF Magazine
“The tales in Shadow Bones...sing with powerful imagery that serves the dual purpose of old-fashioned storytelling and mythic symbolism.” Jeff VanderMeer, The New York Review of Science Fiction

Greg Herriges, ISBN: 1-877655-26-0
332 pgs., $13.95/3.50 sh (US ONLY)
"Bop-Sha-Bop! At last, Greg Herriges is back with a new novel--a delightfully preposterous satire of the American obsession with conspiracy theories and celebrity dirt--this time with a rock 'n' roll back beat! Here is a novel full of belly laughs, terrific schtick, magical happenings, and more than a tincture of rock nostalgia and lore. Don't sit this one out!" — Thomas E. Kennedy, International Editor of The Cimarron Review & author of The Book of Angels

THE EXPLANATION & Other Good Advice, stories,
Don Webb,
1-877655-25-2, 124 pgs., $9.95 ($7.96) 3.50 sh (US ONLY).
“Don Webb, the man shaman genius of Austin…oozes with that raw unrelenting imagination that the rest of us lost about age six.” — Factsheet Five
“Webb managed to strip away our comforting delusions of normality and rub our noses in the underlying cosmic chaos. And the thing is, he makes us relish the unease.” — Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine

THE DIN OF CELESTIAL BIRDS, stories, Brian Evenson, ISBN: 1-877655-24-4, 152 pgs., $10.95, 1997.
"These stories represent the early work of Brian Evenson, a writer of astonishing power. He has been compared to Poe, to Kafka, to other great writers whose vision was bleak and dark, and whose characters act out of appalling despair. Evenson is worth such comparison, but his work is different from these. His worlds are without any emotion at all. Neither cruelty nor pity, happiness nor misery, compassion nor suffering,
hope nor despair exist in his tales of inexorable and inhuman logic. They are written too in a faultlessly efficient prose, so that we see these strange worlds in the clearest and coldest of lights. And, paradoxically, we become aware of life without a purpose, of laws without sense, of victims who do not know they are victimised and aggressors who act without aim or malice. Evenson is a moralist, telling us that our very
humanity is at risk, and that we must defend it."
— Leslie Norris, winner of the Katherine Mansfield Triennial
International Award and author of Sliding and The Girl from Cardigan

Thomas E. Kennedy,
ISBN: 1-877655-23-6, 236 pgs., $12.95 ($10.36) 3.50 sh, US ONLY, Spring 1997
LIMITED SUPPLY, Wordcraft website only
From the dawn of history, magicians and poets have sought the land of the dead magicians by force of will, poets by the power of imagination.
In The Book of Angels, fiction writer Michael Lynch is drawn into a chilling reality in which a ruthless magician employs the terror and commandments of magick to know, to dare, to will, to keep silence to harness the force of Lynch's imagination in a bid for the ultimate journey. Lynch's only weapon with which to defend himself and his family is his power to dream, the only recourse of his spirit, his desire to love.
In an eerie journey to the furthest edge of mortality, magicians,
witches, bad priests, teachers, and writers walk the streets of an everyday American world playing with life, imagining death.
"Quick and sharp as stilleto heels in an empty alley -- and just as ominous and sexy...Thomas E. Kennedy has committed an oxymoron: he has written a profound thriller." -- Askold Melnyczuk, novelist, poet, and editor of Agni
"Kennedy's The Book of Angels is that rare beast, a novel that boasts both tight plotting and suspense-laden narrative with sytle and literary profundity. A novel about imagination and will. The Book of Angels will delight both readers of the fantastic as well as those who seek more in fiction, a tour de force that transcends its raw materials." — Gordon Weaver, author of Cadence
"Predictability is the last thing you will find in Kennedy's The Book of Angels, a novel that explores the ambiguous world of reality and the limits of the imagination, where good and evil clash upon the dubious plains that lies between love and hate, light and darkness, spirituality and brute force...a strange, intimidating but compelling journey into the heart of darkness. It is a disturbing novel that does not let up when the last page is turned, but rather stays with you, like a haunting melody." — Duff Brenna, author of The Book of Mamie and Too Cool

BURNT, novel. Lance Olsen, 1-877655-20-1, 172 pgs., $11.95. OUT OF PRINT
“A wonderfully funny, definitely unusual SF novel…Witty prose,
outrageous situations, a healthy sense of the absurd and genuinely entertaining prevail in this unique look into one of the less obvious side alleys of speculative fiction.” — Don D’Ammassa, Science Fiction Chronicle
“A funny cautionary tale.” — Publisher’s Weekly

UNREAL CITY, stories,
Thomas E. Kennedy,
ISBN: 1-877655-17-1, 200 pgs., $11.95 ($9.56) 3.50 sh, US ONLY, 1996.
Includes Pushcart Award winning story, “Murphy’s Angel”
"Through the fantastic and the surreal, Kennedy takes us on a journey to those more than real cities of the mind and habitations of the spirit. His is truly an original voice, the sort one discovers with enthusiasm and delight; the gifts he brings us are formidable, memorable, and lasting." — Gladys Swan, author of Carnival of the Gods
"Thomas E. Kennedy's fiction has won him a devoted band of followers who know what the rest of the literary world is just finding out: that he's writing some of the most intelligent and beautifully crafted short fiction in America...fresh and contemporary and very much his own."— W.D. Wetherell, author of Chekhov's Sister

THE BLOOD OF DEAD POETS, Conger Beasley, Jr., Illustrations by Richard Schindler,
ISBN: 1-877655-15-5, 96 pgs., $9.95 ($7.96) 3.50 sh, US ONLY, 1996.
Signed and numbered collection of fourteen surrealist and magic realist stories. Illustrated by Richard Schindler.

Collages by Thomas Wiloch
ISBN: 1-877655-14-7, 98 pgs., $8.95, 1995.
Fourteen surrealist stories. Illustrated by Thomas Wiloch.
Signed & numbered limited edition .

KE-QUA-HAWK-AS, Misha Nogha,
Illustrations by Ferret
ISBN: 1-877655-13-9, 96 pgs., $9.95, 1994.
Poetry and prose poetry, illustrated by Ferret. Signed limited edition.
"Its pages reveal a series of starkly painted images that go to work on your mind like the pictures on a tarot deck. They talk directly to your right brain." -- James P. Blaylock
"Her prose flashes knifelike or glows coolly depending on what kind of fire she wantes to emit." -- Michael Bishop

SCHERZI, I BELIEVE, stories by Lance Olsen,
collages by Andi Olsen,
ISBN:1-877655-11-2, 7.0 X 8.5, 132 pgs. $9.95
"Lance Olsen writes as if he were Lucifer taking the long plummet to Hell. His prose lights the sky with mocking laughter and burning conviction." -- Lewis Shiner

THE RAW BRUNETTES, stories by Lorraine Schein, illustrations by Freddie Baer.
ISBN: 1-877655-12-0, 40 pgs., 6 X 9, $6/3.50 sh, US ONLY
"Lorraine Schein plays among the mysteries. She delights in the ecstacy of language, the wild subversion of the very idea of wildness, of what it might mean to be a free woman. She creates incantations that wink at us at the same time that they sing rhythmically, insistently, through the night." -- Rachel Pollack from her foreword

PANGAEA, stories by Denise Dumars,
Illustrations by Helen Schoenfeld
ISBN: 1-877655-08-2, 96 pgs., $7.95/3.50 sh, US ONLY
Limited Supply
"Dumars' gritty, dreamy stories reflect the human condition we've come to anticipate in her poetry." -- Kathleen Jurgens

THE SEVENTH DAY AND AFTER, stories by Don Webb,
Illustrations by Roman Scott
ISBN: 1-877655-05-8, 84 pgs., $7.95
"Imagine Sir James George Frazier meeting William S. Burroughs and H.P. Lovecraft for a quick round of musical whoopie cushions. Don Webb's wit, erudition, and imagination seem to have no limits...He creates entire worlds with a few luminous details, then shatters them to glittering fragments."
-- Lewis Shiner

OCEAN OF GLASS AND FIRE, stories by Rob Hollis Miller,
Illustrations by Mark Bilokur
ISBN: 1-877655-04-X, 80 pgs., $7.95
"An accomplished poet, Rob Hollis Miller now offers us enigmatic, Escheresque prose filled with characters who move Siddartha-like through the self-sustaining convolutions of the paralogical universe created by the bizarre Dickens K. Phillips cult." -- Misha Nogha

THE LIQUID RETREATS, stories by Todd Mecklem and Jonathan Falk, Illustrations by Roman Scott,
ISBN: 1-877655-03-1, 48 pgs., $7.95
"One of the brief tales, 'An Extract from the Sech Seltene Anatomisch,' you will never forget. That's pretty impressive for a 250 word vignette! These short tales--spare in language--will continue to work your soul long after you've read them. You won't be quite as sure of the surface of things because the sense of the hidden will grow stronger in you after these pages. This small book may be a good place to start the return to magic." -- Don Webb, author of Uncle Ovid's Exercise Book

LIFTING, stories by Mark Rich,
Illustrations by Gregorio Montejo,
ISBN: 1-877655-02-3, 60 pgs., $7.95/3.50 sh, US ONLY
"These stories have my immediate assent. They're pure as mountain spring water--a mountain whose ascent demonstrates how neatly Rich has built to scale."
-- Brian Aldiss
"A pure prose style reflective of his poetry." -- Mark Kelly, Locus
"I found Mark Rich's Lifting thoroughly enjoyable. The stories are refreshing in their originality and have an endearingly laconic surreal quality which is equally effective in the light-hearted vein of "The Typewriter," and the more sombre mood of "Festival of the River." This is a very impressive debut collection, and I look forward to seeing more of the author's work in the future. -- Brian Stableford

THE MAGIC DEER, three stories by Conger Beasley, Jr., illustrated by Richard Schindler
ISBN: 1-877655-01-5, 32 pgs., $5/3.50 sh, US ONLY

PRAYERS OF STEEL, poetic prose, Misha Nogha, illustrations by Ferret, 46 pgs., $5/3.50 sh, US ONLY
"As far as I know Misha wrote the first cyberpunk poetry." -- John Shirley
"I was impressed by both the quality of the language and the vividness of the metaphors...I do like the incantatory effect and the restlessness of the rhythms." -- Michael Bishop