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Showing Light A Good Time, poems, Dan Raphael

ISBN: 1-877655-36-8, 100 pgs. 6 X 9, $11 ($8.80) 3.50 sh


"These are extraordinary poems of daily life, intensely felt and spoken. The poet speaking here is 'the balancing fire...centered so close to home/rising without yeast, accelerating without an engine.' All this in a river of charged language and amazing imagery. Dan Raphael is one of our most enduring, unique, and authentic poets, a poet with a truly universal and protean conception of things...In this collection he's at the top of his form." -- John M. Bennett, Editor of Lost and Found Times

Overheard at a Dan Raphael reading:

She: "Do you think he's ever taken acid?"

He: "Taken it!? I think he wears a patch."

"To some extent, I see myself as a medium for the energy and knowledge inherent in language; but to a similar extent I see my limitations as a medium, my own convoluted psyche , as well as a strong concern and deep consternation for the current status of the world we live in that language itself may not share." -- Dan Raphael


ISBN: 1-877655-32-5, 84 pgs., 5.5 X 8.5, $9 ($6) 3.50 sh


John Noto is a poet and art & jazz enthusiast who lives and writes in San Francisco. His previous book is PSYCHO-MOTOR BREATHSCAPES (Vatic Hum, 1997). His work may be found in Talisman, New American Writing, CTheory, Caliban, and Central Park. He is editor-in-chief of Orpheus Grid, a literary arts journal.


MOLECULAR JAM, poems, Dan Raphael
ISBN: 1-877655-21-X, 64 pgs., 5.5 X 8.5, $9



"There is a new way to write and a new way to read the world in all its stupefying beauty and Dan Raphael is leading the way in." -- Charles Potts, Editor/Publisher of The Temple




CELEBRATION OF BONES , poems, Sandra Lindow, ISBN: 1-877655-18-X, 64 pgs., 1996, $7.95 ($6.36) 3.50 sh  (signed, limited edition)


Sandra Lindow has published two chapbooks, Rooted in the Earth (Sand and Silk, 1989) and The Heroic Housewife Papers (Pandora, 1990). The latter was named the best poetry collection published by a Wisconsin writer in 1990. She has been nominated for the Rhysling Award for Science Fiction Poetry.


MR. TEMPLETON'S TOYSHOP , prose poems,

Thomas Wiloch,

ISBN: 1-877655-16-3, 1995, $9.95


"For over a decade Wiloch has been publishing what deserve to be included among the best prose poems ever written in any language. They are-- often simultaneously--haunting, hilarious, cruel and intensely unusual." -- Thomas Ligotti


INVISIBLE MACHINES , collaboration, Andrew Joron/Robert Frazier, ISBN: 1-877655-10-4, 1993, $9




HOUSE ON FIRE, Poems & Collages by David Memmott
Jazz Police Books, Summer 1992
ISBN: 1-877655-06-6, 72 pgs., 7 X 8
Trade Paperback, $9


"Here we find no versified SF stories; none of Memmott's poems depict generically†typical SF situations. Instead, each poem weaves a language-pattern correspondent to a soul in crisis; here, intersecting and brilliant colored planes of discourse slide past one another in a (speculatively conceived) carnival of existential doubt." — Ignatz Mees, Science Fiction Eye

"In this collection the poet appears as a narrator of the fantastic in the ordinary — of the supremely strange in the apparent normalcy of life in our world... One cannot read these words without apprehending them as genuine ; nor can one understand the thoughts and messages framed by those words as being other than personal and unaffected."
— Mark Rich, The Magazine of Speculative Poetry

"Employing both crystalline imagery and meticulous craft, House on Fire showers us with such incandescent poems. Cast up by a firestorm of creativity, perhaps, but caught in that moment when the wind chases them across the dark heavens and they fall, each an omen, each an ember of personal mystery that flares before it dies. I found them revealing. Our blood's secrets can be read between Memmott's lines."
— Robert Frazier, Star*Line










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